Mice are extremely social so they are happiest with at least one other mouse, but make sure it's the same sex to prevent more mice! They make a great first time pet for older children, but are too small to handle for young children, unless closely supervised.
Domestic mice have been kept as pets for centuries. While white (albino) mice are most common, they come in a wide variety of coat colors and types, from curly and shiny to silver and cinnamon.
Mice need a home that is spacious for climbing and running around and and plenty of soft carefresh® natural paper bedding for burrowing tunnels and making a comfy nest. If you use one made of wire, make sure the bars are close together to prevent escape.
Because they love exercise, mice need a running wheel. Make sure that the wheel has a solid surface without wire rungs so their tails won't get caught. They also like to climb ladders, and hide, crawl and sleep inside enclosed spaces. Put unpainted, untreated pieces of wood, dog biscuits or safe chew toys in the habitat for them to gnaw on.
Mice love variety in their diet. A commercial based mouse specific food is best, supplemented with small amounts of fresh fruit (no citrus) and vegetables and occassional mealworms, peas, or small amounts of boiled egg.