Domestic rabbits make great companions, but they are delicate animals and require special care. Rabbits can be frightened when well-meaning children hold, cuddle or carry them. When scared, rabbits may scratch or bite to protect themselves. While a rabbit may be a great pet for your family, an adult should be the primary caretaker.
Rabbits need plenty of space to play. Your rabbit will want to exercise several hours a day, so he will need a safe area with ample room to run and jump. Any outdoor area should be fully enclosed by a fence and supervised. Be sure to bunny proof your house including covering or hiding all wires and anything they should not chew on. They also get bored very easily so a variety of toys and safe items for them to chew on is a must.
There are several options to house rabbits inside. They can live free-reign in a bunny proofed rooms, or they can be contained within a puppy pen, bunny condo, or large rabbit habitat. Unlike dogs and cats, rabbits do not have pads on their feet so splinters from wood shavings can harm their sensitive feet.
Rabbits can be litter trained. As soon as your rabbit chooses a corner of the habitat to use as a bathroom, put a shallow box or litter pan there filled with absorbent carefresh® natural paper bedding. carefresh also provides a warm, soft material for nesting boxes for baby rabbits.
A rabbit’s diet should mainly consist of hay. Fresh hay should be provided to rabbits at all times. Baby rabbits should be given alfalfa, and adult rabbits should be fed timothy hay, grass hay, or oat hay.
Supplement your rabbit's hay with fresh vegetables, fiber-rich pellets, low in protein (in limited quantities for adult rabbits), and fresh water daily. Fruit is the best option for treats but only in small amounts, like strawberries, raspberries, bananas and apples (no seeds).