Rats can be great pets for kids since they are fairly easy to care for. Domestic rats are completely different from their wild relatives. They are curious, friendly, smart and fun. They'll ride on your shoulders, nap in your lap and love to snuggle. Rats even have the ability to recognize you!
Domesticated rats are nocturnal and will generally be awake during the evening and night, although they will sometimes adapt to the schedule of their human families. They are also extremely clean animals, bathing themselves frequently.
Because they enjoy climbing, rats do best in wire habitats. A large habitat is recommended for a pair of rats with a solid bottom and multiple levels for climbing and jumping is ideal. Line their home with plenty of fresh, dust free carefresh® natural paper bedding for added absorbency and odor control.
A room kept below 68ºF should be comfortable for your rat. Make sure the habitat is easily accessible for clean-up. And put the habitat in a place where your rat can interact with lots of people.
Rats require a diet low in protein and fat, and high in carbohydrates. Specially formulated rat diets – consisting of pellets, block and grains – are best for your pet.
Rats love to try new things including table scraps such as small bits of egg or chicken, even pizza crust. Rats are particularly keen for plain popcorn, tomatoes, cooked white rice and pasta. Broccoli and garbanzo beans can be given in moderation, but avoid chocolate and onions. All foods should be fresh and introduced slowly to prevent digestive issues.