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Potentially Dangerous Household Chemicals for Your Pets

Most people commit a certain amount of time and money to clean their houses on a regular basis. This is particularly true of pet owners, especially those that have pets who shed a lot. Unfortunately, many of the household cleaning products are not necessarily safe for our pets, whether cats, dogs, or even our pet birds or small animals. This is why it’s essential for pet owners to pet-proof their homes properly.  Dogs and some cats will eat food and crumbs that fall on the floor. All pets, including birds, breathe the air inside our homes. Plus, most pets clean themselves, lick their paws, etc and can potentially ingest harmful chemicals that way too. Consequently, our pets are at risk of ingesting harmful chemicals that are potentially dangerous to their health regardless of whether they eat something or breathe in fumes.   There are many products and product types that are potentially dangerous to our furry and winged family members and should be eliminated and substituted with natural alternatives if possible. Those that you are not able to stop using should be appropriately stored. You also need to recognize symptoms and signs that your pet has ingested a toxin.  Potentially Dangerous Household Products Cleaning products and disinfectants contain many harmful chemicals even when indicated as green or natural. Exposure to cleaning products that contain toxic chemicals can result in a range of symptoms in cats, including gastrointestinal, respiratory, and skin irritations with varying degrees of damage from red, flaky skin to an internal hemorrhage.  READ >>> Easy Ways to Cleanup After Your Cats Highly toxic chemicals are dangerous to your pets and are pretty standard in cleaning products, from oven and fireplace cleaners to wood and glass cleaners. Ingredients often include: ●        Ammonia Ammonia may appear in the ingredient list of drain cleaners, floor waxes, oven cleaners, and even window cleaners because it is an excellent sanitation agent. It can cause damage to the eyes and skin if touched, to the lungs if inhaled, and to the digestive tract if ingested. Causes damage to eyes, lungs, skin, and stomach.  ●        Cationic surfactants Found in dryer sheets and fabric softeners, chemicals such as benzalkonium chloride or cetrimonium bromide are extremely poisonous to pets. Even if only through skin contact, your pooch or kitty may cause burns or irritation. Ingestion causes worse with potential damage to the lungs, kidneys, and the nervous system. Causes damage to the lungs, nervous system, and kidneys. It can cause ulcers and depression.  ●        Chlorine This is the principal ingredient contained in bleach and is likewise found in detergents from dishwasher detergents to laundry products and bathroom cleaning products like toilet bowl cleaners and general all-purpose cleaning materials.  ●        Formaldehyde This chemical is often employed in cleaners because it is antibacterial. Although considered carcinogenic for humans, it may still be lurking in the ingredient list under names such as formic aldehyde, formalin, methanol, methyl aldehyde, glycol, or oxide. Considered a carcinogen.  ●        Glycol Ethers These chemicals are used against grease and may even be found in supposedly green cleaners. Look for 2-Butoxyethanol, 2-Ethoxyethanol, or 2-Methoxyethanol in the ingredient list, especially for products that are great at eliminating grease. Linked to cancer, birth defects, and delayed development.  ●        Phthalates Included in household cleaning products for fragrance purposes, the most recognizable is BPA. Linked to weight gain, cancer, developmental delay, cancers, and reproductive problems.  Other types of products often found in homes that are equally toxic to pets include: ●        Antifreeze (Ethylene Glycol) Antifreeze is highly poisonous when ingested, even if in a microscopic quantity. It is sweet-tasting and odorless. If you keep antifreeze in your garage, store it so that it is inaccessible to pets. If you think your pet has ingested even a tiny amount, take your pet to your vet immediately. Antifreeze ingestion can cause kidney failure and be lethal.  ●        Fertilizer and Herbicides Fertilizers and herbicides are generally in the form of granules or liquids. Chemical-based products need to be used with caution, and pets should be kept indoors to avoid hazards.  Nowadays, there are various organic options available that will not place your pet in harm’s way. Watch for symptoms such as vomiting, drooling, diarrhea, or seizures.  ●        Gasoline and kerosene Gas and kerosene are often kept at homes for cars, motorized power tools and equipment, and even grills. They must be stored so that your pet does not have any contact of any kind, whether through skin contact, ingestion, or inhalation. Watch for symptoms such as drooling, abdominal pain, lesions, mouth ulcers, and collapse.  ●        Heavy Metals Heavy metals such as lead or zinc are poisonous. This means that even a coin swallowed can create a problem.  ●        Ice Melting Products Even if you do not personally use this type of product around your home, know that these are used on streets and sidewalks where you may take your dog for a walk. They commonly contain chemicals and compounds such as calcium salts, potassium chloride, magnesium chloride, sodium chloride, and urea. Because some pets like to play in the snow, your pet may get these substances on their paws and then ingest them during licking. Watch for diarrhea, vomiting, hyperthermia, labored breathing, and irregular heartbeat.  ●        Paints Paints used in home improvement projects, whether latex, oil-based, water-based, or unleaded, will have some toxicity for pets. Areas of your home that have been freshly painted should not be accessible to pets and need to be well-ventilated. Paint products need to be stored out of reach. This also includes paint thinners and turpentine. Watch for symptoms such as nausea, stomach upset, respiratory difficulty, vomiting, and lack of coordination.  ●        Pest Control products While pest control products, more often than not, are used in spaces not directly inhibited by family members, such as an attic, a basement, or perhaps in cupboards, a curious pet may investigate if these spaces are accessible in some manner. Pest control products such as mothballs, insecticides, and rodenticides (rat baits) are very dangerous to pets. Even something like slug bait can be very poisonous, so you also need to be careful where you use these products indoor or outdoor.  Watch for symptoms such as fever, diarrhea, vomiting, pale gums, lethargy, seizures, and difficulty breathing.  The Importance of Using Natural Cleaners Using natural cleaners in your home is a healthier choice for you and your pets. Inhaling toxic fumes can lead to respiratory irritations and infections or long-term conditions such as asthma. Exposure to chemicals also can affect the skin resulting in allergic reactions, eczema, or irritations.  By selecting a natural cleaning product, you can reduce these risks and safety concerns and contribute to the well-being of the environment. Green cleaning products are formulated to be non-toxic and non-corrosive. Chemical products, by contrast, are often highly corrosive.  A natural product formula will avoid dyes, formaldehyde, sulfates, or bleach. More common ingredients in natural cleaning products include vinegar, natural fragrances, plant-based surfactants, and oils, and the amount of each ingredient will usually be specified.  Natural Pet Products Some of the same considerations are valid for the products specifically designed for pets. This includes toys, pet foods, grooming products and accessories, and even cat litter.  Using a natural litter without harmful chemicals or added scents like okocat is better for your cat, your family and your home. Think about your cat digging in the litter box and breathing in any harmful chemicals or licking it from their paws. Learn more
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6 Ways Your Dog Is Telling You They’re Happy

Isn’t it unfortunate that you can’t just ask your dog if he’s happy? You won’t understand his barks, but that doesn’t mean you have no way of knowing how your pup feels. Over time, you will likely get used to his body language.In the meantime, familiarize yourself with some of the most common signs that your dog is happy. This knowledge may save you a call to the vet when you’re unsure of your dog’s behavior. 1. High, Wagging Tail Your dog’s tail is among the most important indicators of how he feels. Even people who are unfamiliar with canine body language know that a wagging tail indicates happiness. Take this a step further and know that when your dog’s tail is wagging and high, he is living his best life. 2. Overall Relaxed Body Take a look at your dog’s posture and overall body language. If he seems relaxed, then he’s likely incredibly happy. Pay particular attention to his posture and look out for stiffness or stress. If he seems calm, that’s a sign that he’s feeling happy. When checking your dog’s body, start with his shoulders. They should be nice and loose. Then, look at his eyes. They should look soft and not necessarily have a fixed gaze. Check out his ears. Relaxed ears will not be flattened against your dog’s head or tense. Remember that if his ears are pricked upright, this means he is still alert. That doesn’t mean he’s happy or sad; it’s just that he’s paying close attention to his surroundings. Pay attention to his entire body. There are two good indicators of happiness here. The first is being incredibly wiggly, with those wiggles being an extension of his wagging tail. The other is if he just seems incredibly “flopped out” and relaxed. 3. Leaning Into You Dogs are incredibly social and love their humans. This is especially true when they are happy. Essentially, your pup wants to share his happiness with you. So, if your dog comes over for attention, that can indicate he’s happy. To tell whether that’s the case or he wants something, look for the other signs on this list as well. If your dog leans into your hand as you pet them or leans against another part of your body, that’s almost a guarantee that he’s happy. Of course, this also extends to your dog cuddling with you. If he frequently snuggles next to you when you let him, he trusts you and is happy to be spending time with you. 4. Playfulness Playfulness can depend on your dog’s age as well as his breed, but it is very common for happier dogs to be more playful. When your dog is happy, he will want to run around and let some of his energy loose. If your dog is giving you play bows or asking you to play in another way, he’s probably happy. An extension of this can also be if your dog gets excited when you take out the leash or indicate you are going for a walk together. This means that they have a positive experience walking with you and are happy. 5. Not Being Destructive You can also tell a lot about whether your dog is happy by looking at his behavior, specifically how destructive he is. If a dog is destructive, it can be a sign of stress or anxiety. That being said, you should remember that some slightly destructive behavior is natural for puppies, as they are teething and still learning the rules. This sign of canine happiness extends past not being destructive. If they are generally well-behaved, they are likely happy. A bored, stressed, or anxious dog is unlikely to be on his best behavior, but a happy one will be. 6. Healthy Appetite How your dog feels about mealtimes is another indicator of his happiness levels. This doesn’t mean that he has to be greedy or overly excited about food. It simply means that he should be willing to eat. More importantly, you will want to have a baseline for comparison when looking at your dog’s appetite to see if he’s happy. If his reaction to food suddenly changes, he may be unhappy. Make sure you have a good understanding of healthy pet food ingredients and are feeding your porch a balanced, healthy diet. Bonus: Other Signs of Happiness In addition to all of the above, the following are some other indications that your dog is happy: Dancing or hopping The “zoomies” Lolling tongue Happy, high-pitched, short barks Belly up in submissive posture Excited to see you Head tilt when they look at you Good sleeping habits Friendliness and socialness (including with other dogs) The Opposite: Signs Your Dog Is Not Happy While you want to be on the lookout for all of the above signs that your dog is happy, you should also be aware of indications that he is not in a positive mood. This is crucial because if your dog isn’t happy, this may indicate that there is something wrong. If he seems constantly down, you should take him to the vet to make sure he’s healthy. You don’t want anything to stand in the way of your pet’s happiness, so consider pet insurance to help with finances at the vet. With that in mind, the following are some signs that your dog is not happy: Low or tucked tail Turning away from you Hiding Tense body position Ears sitting back Appeasement behavior (such as stiff submissive poses or licking their lips) Conclusion While your dog can’t speak to tell you when he’s happy or unhappy, he gives you plenty of cues to let you know how he feels. From a wagging tail to a healthy appetite, there are plenty of signs to look out for. If your dog doesn’t seem happy, take him to the vet to make sure nothing is wrong. Most importantly always give your dog lots of love!
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Reduce Your Waste - How to Compost ökocat Natural Litter

Did you know that ökocat litter is 100% biodegradable and compostable? ökocat litter is an all-natural plant-based cat litter, which allows it to be returned from where it came—the earth! Not only are we committed to making sustainable products, but we also strive to produce minimal waste and help you do the same! Did you know that roughly 80% of the items buried in landfills in the United States could be recycled or composted? Landfills are one of the largest contributors to soil pollution. Traditionally when cleaning the litter box it is common to simply toss the old litter into the trash. However, composting has recently become a great way to reduce household waste. ökocat litter users who compost their old litter can sleep better at night knowing that they are creating a smaller carbon footprint for your furry friend. How does it work? Organic waste will break down naturally if given enough access to oxygen, allowing microorganisms to feed on the organic materials, breaking it down into usable compost! This is called aerobic decomposition, organic materials converted to compost can be used as a soil amendment, improving the quality of your soil by adding essential plant nutrients. In landfills, waste lacks access to oxygen causing decomposition to take much longer and producing lots of greenhouse gasses like methane and takes up so much space! How do I start a home compost? If you are interested in starting a home composting system, do your research to find the right composting system for your home – there are tons of methods out there that will require different amounts of space and even work on your end. The basic principles of creating healthy compost are the same, it’s critical to practice good composting standards for optimal aerobic decomposition. This means stirring, turning, watering, checking the temperature, and covering your compost every few days. Make sure there isn’t too much of one type of organic material in your compost pile, you want an overall balanced content. Variety is the spice of life, and that holds true to your compost pile as well! It does take some effort but it’s well worth it in the end and after a few months, your compost will be ready to be used in your happy and healthy garden. If you have any questions or concerns regarding composting at home, we recommend checking your local ag regulations, reading more through the tips at, or checking your state regulations. Can I compost poo?  It depends. Many of the compost blends you can buy on the market will contain manure from animals like cows and horses. These animals are herbivores, meaning their waste will only contain plant matter and this creates amazing compost! So the rules of thumb for composting your pet’s waste is: herbivores only! That, unfortunately, means no for composting your cat's poo. Cat parents can still compost their excess litter but should remove the solid waste from the used litter and properly dispose of with the use of a biodegradable bag. The feces of any carnivorous animal may contain harmful bacteria and should NOT come in contact with anything edible. After removing any solid waste, you can safely compost the rest of the litter. Composting How-to: Place litter on your compost heap, add some straw and mix it all together. Allow this to sit with other compostable items, turning the compost as needed to allow for proper aerobic decomposition. Each composting system has different requirements for turning and tending, so make sure to tailor these steps to your specific system. Depending on the size of your pile and your method of composting, it can take anywhere from two to six months for your compost to be ready to use and mixed into your garden. Important Tips for Success: Do not compost the waste of any animals who are ill, contagious, or taking medication, as these unwanted elements may wind up in your soil. Do not compost the feces of carnivores or omnivores Keep your compost pile balanced Don’t want to Start your Own Composting System? What if I don’t want to start a home compost, but don’t want to throw my excess litter into the garbage? If you are not interested in creating your own home compost bin or don’t have the available space, you may be able to use a yard waste bin or simply bring your compostable materials to local farms or a nearby community garden. Be sure to ask first if they will accept compostable materials with pet waste and what the requirements are. Most waste management companies have a commercial composting facility, especially if you live in a larger town or city. If you are struggling to locate one, we simply recommend googling “composting facilities near me”, give them a call and ask: If they provide a waste-management bin and the times they pick up compost If they do not pick up, when and how your compostable materials can be dropped off Any regulations of what should/should not be included in your compost materials The cost associated with working the yard-waste management Any additional benefits they provide (such as finished compost at a reduced price). So what are you waiting for? Start composting your used ökocat litter today!
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Reduce Your Waste - How to Compost carefresh Small Pet Paper Bedding

Did you know that carefresh bedding is 100% biodegradable and compostable? carefresh is a made from scratch small pet paper bedding, which allows it to be returned from where it came—the earth! Not only are we committed to making sustainable products, but we also strive to produce minimal waste and help you do the same! Did you know that roughly 80% of the items buried in landfills in the United States could be recycled or composted? Landfills are one of the largest contributors to soil pollution. In the past when cleaning out a small pet’s home, it has been common to simply toss the old bedding into the trash. However, composting has recently become a great way to reduce household waste. Small pet parents who compost their old bedding can sleep better at night knowing that they are creating a smaller carbon footprint for your furry friend. How does it work? Organic waste will break down naturally if given enough access to oxygen, allowing microorganisms to feed on the organic materials, breaking it down into usable compost! This is called aerobic decomposition, organic materials converted to compost can be used as a soil amendment, improving the quality of your soil by adding essential plant nutrients. In landfills, waste lacks access to oxygen causing decomposition to take much longer and producing lots of greenhouse gasses like methane and takes up so much space! How do I start a home compost? If you are interested in starting a home composting system, do your research to find the right composting system for your home – there are tons of methods out there that will require different amounts of space and even work on your end. The basic principles of creating healthy compost are the same, it’s critical to practice good composting standards for optimal aerobic decomposition. This means stirring, turning, watering, checking the temperature, and covering your compost every few days. Make sure there isn’t too much of one type of organic material in your compost pile, you want an overall balanced content. Variety is the spice of life, and that holds true to your compost pile as well! It does take some effort but it’s well worth it in the end and after a few months, your compost will be ready to be used in your happy and healthy garden. If you have any questions or concerns regarding composting at home, we recommend checking your local ag regulations, reading more through the tips at, or checking your state regulations. Can I compost poo?  It depends. Many of the compost blends you can buy on the market will contain manure from animals like cows and horses. These animals are herbivores, meaning their waste will only contain plant matter and this creates amazing compost! So the rules of thumb for composting your pet’s waste is: herbivores only! Rabbit, guinea pig, or chinchilla feces are a great addition to your compost piles. Parents of omnivore or carnivore pets can still compost their excess carefresh bedding, but we recommend removing the solid waste from the used litter and properly disposing with the use of a biodegradable bag. The feces of any omnivorous or carnivorous animals may contain harmful bacteria and should NOT come in contact with anything edible. After removing any solid waste, you can safely compost the rest of the litter. Composting How-to: Place the droppings and used bedding on your compost heap, add some straw and mix it all together. Allow this to sit with other compostable items, turning the compost as needed to allow for proper aerobic decomposition. Each composting system has different requirements for turning and tending, so make sure to tailor these steps to your specific system. Depending on the size of your pile and your method of composting, it can take anywhere from two to six months for your compost to be ready to use and mixed into your garden. Important Tips for Success: Do not compost the waste of any animals who are ill, contagious, or taking medication, as these unwanted elements may wind up in your soil. Do not compost the feces of carnivores or omnivores Keep your compost pile balanced Don’t want to Start your Own Composting System? What if I don’t want to start a home compost, but don’t want to throw my excess bedding into the garbage? If you are not interested in creating your own home compost bin or don’t have the available space, you may be able to use a yard waste bin or simply bring your compostable materials to local farms or a nearby community garden. Be sure to ask first if they will accept compostable materials with pet waste and what the requirements are. Most waste management companies have a commercial composting facility, especially if you live in a larger town or city. If you are struggling to locate one, we simply recommend googling “composting facilities near me”, give them a call and ask: If they provide a waste-management bin and the times they pick up compost If they do not pick up, when and how your compostable materials can be dropped off Any regulations of what should/should not be included in your compost materials The cost associated with working the yard-waste management Any additional benefits they provide (such as finished compost at a reduced price).  So what are you waiting for? Start composting your used carefresh bedding today!    
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Kitten Care 101: Bringing Home your New Kitten

So you’ve decided the time is right to welcome in a new furry member of the family? Who doesn’t want a kitten – they are a lot of fun and there is definitely no shortage on cuteness, but they are a big responsibility as well. Some things you’ll want to consider before adopting your net cat; would a mature cat be better suited to your lifestyle or do you have the time and energy needed to raise a kitten? Should you adopt more than one cat to offer them some companionship? Are you willing to commit to being a pet parent for the full length of a cats life? The average lifespan for an indoor cat is around 15 years! So before you decide between adopting a kitten or a more mature cat – make sure you are prepared for the commitment that comes with raising a kitten. So what do you need to know to make sure you start off on the right paw with your new kitten? Follow along and we will make sure you are set up for success! Before Adoption Before you bring home your new kitten, there are some things you will want to get squared away to ensure a smooth transition into your home and family! Find a vet One of the most important steps to take first is to get set up with a good veterinarian. It is a really good idea to take your new kitten in for an exam right away. They will be able to check your cat for any health concerns and answer any lingering questions you may have on providing your kitten with the very best care – like selecting the most nutritional food or litter training tips. Supplies Before you bring home your new kitten, you will want to make sure you are well stocked on everything your new friend will need. Cat food: do your research or consult your vet to select the perfect food for your kitten Cat box & litter: ökocat wood clumping cat litter has you covered with 4 different varieties to meet your needs as a new kitten parent. ökocat super soft is a great litter to start with for new kittens and their tender paws ökocat dust free for kitties with sensitive noses or allergies Cat carrier: essential item for safe travel and trips to the vet Scratching post: avoid your cat tearing up your furniture by offering them a scratching post or cat tree Toys: toys provide your cat with a great way to get out their kitten energy, form bonds with you, and redirect their uses to play by scratching you or your furniture Food & water bowls Collar with bell and ID tags: especially important if you plan to let your cat outside, the bell will help warn away any birds in your yard Grooming supplies: a brush and nail clippers are essential tools to keep your cat’s fur unmated and their claws trimmed to avoid nasty scratches Ready your home One last thing to check of the “To Do List” before you bring your kitten home, is to make sure your space it ready for them! Kittens are wild little creatures. They are curious, feisty, and full of energy and will be sure to keep you on your feet. So take stock of your home, and put away breakables and anything that looks like an accident waiting to happen. Those wiley cats love to munch on those houseplants, but there are many that can be toxic to cats. Luckily ASPCA has created a list of toxic houseplants to help you keep your fur friends safe.   Welcome Home It is finally time to welcome your new kitten into their forever home! It is easy to get caught up in the excitement of having a new pet, but remember to go slow. Your kitten will need to time to adjust and feel safe and comfortable in their new home. The best way to help them with this transition is to set up a designated space for them to get acclimated to before you let them roam freely. This area should be away from the hustle and bustle of the rest of the house and full of any essentials they will need to be comfortable – food and water, a comfy bed, and a litter box. Start by placing their carrier in the room, leaving the door open for them to leave when they feel ready. Patience will be the golden rule here. Give your new friend the time and space they need to get used to their surroundings and their new family – you will all be cuddling and playing together in no time! 
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Natural Wood Cat Litter vs Clay & Silica: What's the Difference and Why Make the Switch Today

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Top Reasons to Adopt a Bunny and What You Need to Know

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